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training my 3year old budgies

23 9:45:54

hi, i first got my budgies 3 years ago and didn't really train them, i left them for a year without being trained. But then the 2nd year i began training them and they were capable of sitting on my hand/finger and trusting me. However one of them bite me (after a while) for the first time and i became afraid to put my hand in again, although i still tried, we took them to the vets and they said everything was just fine so i carried on feeding them and supplying them with water everyday. But eventually i left them again and after that training they became afraid of me again, but very rarely they would come onto my hand (if i have seeds on my hand), i want to train them without them biting me, i tried looking but i can only find things for young budgies, i have one girl and one boy. Please help also, what can i feed them besides seeds, i have tried apple a few times but they don't touch it and it gets wasted. one more thing, how often and how long should i bath my budgies.

The reason you can only find information about taming young budgies and the reason you're having trouble with them is that many budgies can't be tamed if they are older than a year.  It's not impossible, but it takes a lot more time and effort.  Consistency is the key.  You shouldn't have long gaps between training periods, or they can essentially forget everything they learned.  From what you've told me, you're doing things right, but it takes a lot of time and patience!

Some budgies don't like apples.  They're picky eaters.  Some things you could also try are chopped carrots, hard boiled eggs, and lettuce.  Sometimes it's best to start by sneaking them into the food in small amounts.  They sometimes don't go for new foods right away, but if it's in with their regular food, they try it and realize they like it, or just don't notice they're eating healthy food!

Baths aren't really necessary. Most budgies keep themselves clean by preening and bathing in their water dishes.  But if you want to bathe them, there are a couple of things you can try.  You can fill a bowl or sink with lukewarm water and let them sit in it.  But this is hard to do if they're not tame.  Or you can get a spray bottle, set it on the mist setting, and give them a shower.  This usually works better because you can do it while they're in the cage and it's usually less hassle on you and the birds.