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Parakeet dots

23 9:45:57

QUESTION: My parakeet Tweety which we believe is a female though we are not entirally sure of the sex.  I notice that she had black or dark coloured tiny dots on her face. Above the ceres and on the cheeks and forhead. she does have "age lines" and we have had her for about 2 years. She acts completly normal but i fear she has some type of disease. I read another responce on this site... the dots do not appear to move. there are always inside the house and eat a healthy diet of bird seed, water and milet spray. She is a yellow/green keet and her "age lines" stop at her forhead leaving just yellow. I assume its age marks, for she is older than the persumed male-Tweetums that shares her cage. Again she acts normal but i'm still concerned.

please try to help.

ANSWER: Some breeds have natural dark spots from selective breeding.  What color is the cere (area above the beak)?  If you tell me that, I can tell you her sex.  If she is acting normally, then she is probably fine.  Can you send me pictures of it?  I understand that you're concerned, but it's probably nothing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I am honestly astonished at the speed it took to answer this question. I'm definitly giving you a good rating!  My bird (Tweety) has a dark purplish or dark navy coloured cere. I can not send a picture, we have a crapy camera sorry. i hope this helps her dark coloured cere is what lead us to debating the birds gender.
Once again thank you.

Budgie with spots
Budgie with spots  
ANSWER: I try to answer as fast as I can (which is much easier to do on weekends than while I'm in school).  If you ever need to ask me a question, I'll always answer within 24 hours unless I have to research it.

I'm sending you a couple of pictures.  One is of a male budgie which the cere is sort of purplish.  If Tweety's looks like this, it's probably a boy.  I understand your problem, sometimes sexing is tricky!  If you're still not sure, the next time you take her to a vet, ask if they can tell.

The other picture is of a budgie with spots that are normal coloration.  Let me know if they look anything like this.  If I accidentally send you the wrong pictures, sorry!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It is apparent you probably are a student which explains why you can answer me with such alarmingly helpful speed.
That picture you sent (although not the sex picture) was helpful on elimenating the "disease possiblity".  It was apparent that that picture of that particular budgie had black "Monarch Butterfly" like spots on the "beard" of the bird. Tweety however, does not. Her or his (again not sure)has dots, specks rather on her face, cheeks and head. After carefully glancing at her with a flashlight We amaturally confirmed it may be "feathers growing out" in that section. Because it does appear that the "roots" of the feathers are white indicating feathers, not disease. It could be "aging" I assume. Do "age lines" (the black lines above the cere on the head going down that sometimes leaves a solid coloured receding "hair line".) Start off as "dots" then mature into lines?  I will examine that male bird picture and see if it resembles Tweety. Although (I'm not sure if you expert in this or not) If Tweety is a boy, Tweetums (the persumed male) is a girl. They're indeed ok together (in the same cage right)?  I have read that the female tends to be more dominant and eats more as well as fans her wing out when stretching. If that is the case, Tweetums is a girl.  If you can help me on that, it will be well apperciated and end this gender debate. Sorry, that i do not have pictures hopefully those details can help you.  If you are not experienced in gender or "parakeet pairs/couples relations" i will adress another expert. Thank you for the information it is well usd. We had also assumed Tweety of being the female because she is much slimer in size and isn't has puffy as the persumed male Tweetums. Thank you for your time.

Male budgie with purplish cere.
Male budgie with purpl  
Sorry that the other picture didn't come through right.  For some reason, it will only let me attach one picture per response.

Dot patterns usually last their whole life.  I have a nine year old budgie who's had them since she was a chick.  Age lines fade, but spots generally don't.

While females do behave a little differently than males, these traits tend to come out more when they are around other budgies.  Since he/she has a friend, I'm guessing from what you've told me that it's a girl.  It can also become easier to tell if they're getting ready to breed because the colors on the ceres become more distinguished.

I'll try to get you that picture.  Tell me if it doesn't come through right or if I send you the wrong one.  This one is of a male (confirmed by a vet) that has a similarly colored cere to what you've told me Tweety's looks like.  Let me know if this helps.