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My Bird

23 9:50:59

My bird trusted me from the second day i got her but i took her out with me and my dog snatched her (she wasn't badly hurt just a couple of missing feathers) but now lately my bird doesn't want to come out of her cage. I think she has lost all her trust for me!!
what should I do?

her age: I'm not sure but she still doesn't know how to fly properly and i partly thought her how to eat.

she is the only bird I own

I would just keep working with her until she gets her confidence back. Take it slow and remember to be patient. I'd give it a couple days before bringing her back out of the cage again, and even then I would walk her around the room for a few minutes and put her back.
I understand how dogs can be, the same thing happened to one of my birds and my Schnauzer. I doesn't take long for the birds to re-gain their trust; usually by the time their feathers grow back and the whole thing is forgotten.

Thank you for your question and I wish you the best of luck with your feathered friend. Feel free to write me any time you need help.