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My 2 budgies

23 9:54:08

Hi...i have 2 budgies, a boy and girl, they bite me(some times,but most)and i really want to tame them(no bitting, coming out of the cage,etc.I take them out of cage but it is hard to do. Skie(boy) is rally sweet when he is out the cage and away from Angel(girl).But Angel bites HARD.Do you have any idea to help me train my birds as soon as possible?Thanks

Hello Sofie! If your budgies were not handled when they were babies they have probably gotten used to being afraid of humans. It also depends on what "tame" means to you. Some people want a bird that doesn't bite, or is really cuddly. Budgies aren't really cuddly types of birds but they will tolerate some petting and socialization. All birds will bite, and for a reason. Angel probably is not used to humans touching and and prefers to be left alone. You can reduce your chances of getting bitten by watching and understanding your bird. If you know that she doesn't like to be grabbed then let her come out on her own. If you want to put her back in her cage then throw a soft towel or shirt over her to gently put her back into her cage. Since Angel already knows that your going to back away if she bites you, having her not biting you will let her know that her biting doesn't do anything. A bird that bites a lot will get used to biting and a bird that doesn't get the chance to bite will not know how to really bite, which is a good thing. Never put your bird in a situation where it has to bite you. If your bird struggles to get away from you then let your bird settle down for a few minutes. Most females do bite really hard(that is actually a good sign of a good mother!). Skie is probably more used to you then Angel is. Over the years your birds will come to trust you. Showing signs of trust includes, puffing up when you come into the room,(a sign of relief to see you), and not flipping out when you enter the room. Try holding out some big things of parsley. They love parsley and like to bathe in it. Now every time i bring parsley into my room my bird skittle comes and lands on my head! even though he is not hand tame, he will take stuff from my hand or mock me when i try to get him into the cage. But esp. with Angel, keep your distance and don't do anything to get yourself bitten. It may seem extremely frustrating to not be able to just grab her but we must respect our birds. With time Angel will love you just as much as skie does.