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sudden change in behavior

23 9:44:45

My friend has a budgie that is about 2 years old. It typically not friendly and shy from being handled. Since yesterday the budgie has been trying to get out of its cage. We let it out to fly around and then put it back in the cage. Today when I went up to the cage the budgie allowed to handle it as well as it nested in my hand and fell asleep. There is no mate so I am not sure about it having eggs. It is just very loving and wanting to be handled. I have a cockatiel at home and everyone thought maybe it smelled my bird. We put a wash cloth in the bottom of the cage and the budgie nuzzled under the wash cloth and went to sleep.

Hello Sherri. I'm not entirely sure how his change in bahavior could have occured so quickly. If its a female it will lay eggs reguardless of whether theres a male in the cage or not. I suggest you just play along with it. She may just got back to being mean. I'm really not sure. Watch out for any signs of disease.

Hope I helped a little Sherri. Thanks.