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budgie - glandular tumours

23 9:51:05

is there an easy way to tell the difference between an egg that is stuck _egg binding) and a glandular tumor.  i found out they look similar, and without going to a vet, we can not be sure what we are looking at.  problem is vets take 49.00 just to consult, look at bird, and then another 20 to put her down.
curious to see yr answer.
thank you.

There's no easy way to tell.  The symptoms of egg binding include the bird sitting on the bottom of the cage floor, rocking back and forth, sitting on her tail feathers with her legs spread apart, tail wagging or bobbing, abdominal distention, straining as if trying to lay an egg, labored breathing, lack of droppings, and ruffled feathers.  Generally, the symptoms are similar with glandular tumors.  The only thing I can think of would be to try to see if you can get the egg to pass.   

Home remedies don't always work, but you can try using mineral or cooking oil on her cloaca, and putting her in the bathroom after a hot shower has been running and its really warm and humid.  That might get the egg to pass if it is in fact egg binding.  If that works, problem solved.  If not, I would consult a vet.

I hope this helps, and best of luck!