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Parakeets escaped

23 9:45:24

I am just sick about this. I placed my 2 parakeets cage outdoors as I have done many times. They loved it. It became windy and knocked the cage over and the roof came off. I heard it fall and went right out. No birds in sight. I have a large yard with lots of trees but did not see nor hear a peep out of them.THEN, right away, I saw 2 hawks circling in the wooded area behind my house. I am afraid that they may have spotted their bright colors. I set their cage back up in the same spot with the door open are replaced the food and water. Is there any chance at all that they will return? I am so sad!

Were their wings clipped?  If they were, they could not have gotten very far.  

If you can't hear them, it may just be that they are scared and trying to avoid detection.  As for the hawks, I doubt that they would prey on your budgies.  While they are colorful enough to draw attention, they're smaller than hawks and can hide more easily in the trees.

What you've done already with the cage, food and water is a good step.  Try putting up posters in your area, asking for help getting them back home safely.  Other than that, I don't know what else you can do but pray.