Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > shoe


23 9:50:16

My budgie has been acting more friendly than usual and it has been going in and out of an empty shoe. it has been collecting paper and things like that. it is 4 years old and has never done this before. what is it doing?

Dear Sarah,
thank you for your question.
Female budgies sometimes begin to act like they want to mate and/or are going to lay eggs, some even do lay eggs. I think this is what your budgie may be doing. It's nothing to worry about, offer her things to gnaw, but don't give her a nesting box. If she should lay eggs after all, you can just leave them, she will give up on them after a while when they don't hatch. If you take the eggs way, she will keep laying to complete the clutch.
I hope I was of some help to you