Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > clicking beak

clicking beak

23 9:53:47

but i seperated one of the keets and he reaaly doesnt have anybody to talk to except for me.
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my parakeets keep on maling a xlicking sound with their beak. why?
Hi Katelyn, thanks for posting,

This is simply the noise they make to communicate with each other, like chirping. I can't really make it more clear than that but if this didn't fully answer your question, feel free to ask me again!


It's just a noise they make, either to communicate with each other or just chatting away to themselves. Birds are musical and LOUD creatures, but very beautiful and lovely at the same time. Unless there is a reason I'm missing here, I wouldn't recommend separating the birds. It won't affect the bird in any way, but like all creatures, birds get lonely. Even putting their cages side by side would be great. Thanks for posting!
