Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Worms or mites?

Worms or mites?

23 9:53:07


I have recently discovered that my budgie Tweety has small brown worm things on her feathers i have tried to wash them out but they are still there..  help!!


Hi, Sandra.

Does your bird have access to the outside?  Parrots (your budgie is a parrot) don't usually get worms or mites unless they are exposed to the outside or come in contact with something from outside (like a branch from a tree used as a perch).  Budgies can get scaly face mites, but these affect areas of the body with skin, such as legs/feet, cere, around the beak, and they are microscopic so you wouldn't be able to see them.  However, when scaly mites bury themselves into the bird's skin, the skin will become raised and look like warts.  These would come from a tree branch used as a perch or something similar that hasn't been disinfected.  Outside birds can get feather mites, but again, this usually doesn't happen with parrots unless a bird spends a lot of time outside.

The treatment would depend on whether the parasite is a worm or mite.  Can you use a magnifying glass and look closely at the parasite to see if you can determine if it is a worm or mite?  If not, I would recommend you take your bird to a certified avian vet for a determination of the problem.  The vet can then provide proper medication.
