Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > me and my budgie dont get along anymore

me and my budgie dont get along anymore

23 9:53:06

Iv had my budgie since x-mas 2006. i got it for my parents as a gift but they didnt like it. so i had to take care of it. the first 2 months were okay. he would sit on my shoulder. but after that i started working and my little cousins would come over and scare the bird. so i dont know whats gotten into him. and he always runs away when people try to grab him. its like hes scared of you. and when you can pick him up, he wont stay on your finger for that long. also would it be a good idea to let him out. iv heard that people let thier bird out and after it flys back. is that true ?

Hi, James.

Your budgie's environment changed and this is why he is behaving this way.  The bird doesn't understand what's going on.  You went to work when you used to be around all the time.  Also, your budgie is behaving badly because of your cousins!  Your budgie is scared of people now as a result of the cousins.  It's never a good idea to grab a bird.  You should teach your bird to "step up" on your finger versus grabbing him.  Your bird is stressed out from all of this.  I recommend you get a handle on the situation with the cousins teasing the bird, and I also recommend you try to spend as much time with the budgie as possible, gradually weaning the bird into your schedule change.  This bird can't comprehend all that's going on, all the changes, etc.  He may even think he's not loved very much any more and he is definitely scared.  

I wouldn't let him out right now unless you can slowly work with him without anyone else around.  Just open the cage door and allow the bird to come out when and if he wants to come out.  Don't try to force him or anything.  

Some birds are socialized properly, tame, trained, and behave well enough to be allowed out of their cages.  Some people allow their birds to free-fly throughout their homes with the birds going back to their cages when they need to.  There's as many different scenarios out there as there are birds!  Whether a bird can be out and go back to their cage on their own depends on the individual bird involved.  Many parrots prefer being outside their cages because they have the freedom to do what they want.  Our homes are full of dangers for birds so when they are out of their cages, they must be supervised.
