Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > What is Egg candelling?

What is Egg candelling?

23 9:51:20

I read your Qs and As. In one question you answered about candeling egg? Can you explain what it means? why to do it? and how to do it?

Hello Rizwan,

I am glad you asked! Egg candling is the process of checking to see if the egg is fertile. What you do is, hold up a bird's egg above a bright flashlight. With the light shining through the egg, you can see red veins running through the egg and a dark spot where the chick is developing. This way you have a good idea of how many baby birds you will have. If the egg is unfertile, you will see just the yellow yoke. You candle once the egg is 10 days old. This way the chick will be somewhat developed and will be semi-visible. If you candle earlier than 10 days then you may not be able to see the chick yet and could mistake the egg for an unfertile one.

This is a good website with pictures of fertile and unfertile eggs. Sorry it is so long...just copy and paste it!

Hope this helps!
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