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Budgie alone

23 9:50:06

Is it alright to leave my budgie alone for one day and one night? I have to go away the odd weekend and I am gone for Saturday and return by at least 1 p.m. the next day.

ANSWER: Hi Margie!

Your budgie should be fine as long as you give your budgie an extra dish of food and fresh water right before you leave. I've left my budgies alone for this long many times and they have always been fine.

Hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Erika, now for another question..he is a young budgie, maybe 4 to 5 months old. I have him getting up on a stick, but my hand no. I took him out of the cage, on the stick the first time the next time he would go away from the door if I brought him near it. So i took him out of cage by chasing him. He was so stressed he would not move the whole day. Now my hand can not get near him. Do you think he will let me soon, or is it a lost cause now.
I've put a new toy in the cage today he will not go near it, although he wants to. Is this normal?  

Hi Margie!

You probably just scared him and he is now wary of your hand. If you teach him to trust you and take your time with him he should eventually learn to trust you again. This should be easier since he is still young. Most budgies are a bit scared of new toys at first, but within a day or two he will get up the courage to approach his new toy.

Hope this helps!