Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie feeding/ just good pals or more then pals?

Budgie feeding/ just good pals or more then pals?

23 9:45:34

Hi! 'm asking a few ?s this time... ok U may know that i have a baby (4
months old) female budgie who isn't tame and also a male 1 yr old budgie
who is sort of tame now... so ok i want to convert my budgies to pellets but
i'm also working on taming them....grr ok when i start their taming lessons (
morning, afternoon, night) i place my hand in the cage with their seed mix
and i hold it up to them for them to eat. the girl will eat off my hand when
her friend is eating and about after 2-3 minutes (shes just learning)  so after
about 20 minutes i take my hand out or when they are done eating i take my  
hand out and then wait until the next lesson. but at the same time im trying
to get them to eat pellets. so what i thought was to just leave the pellets in
their food dishes  but they haven't been eating them. i don't think they recognize it as food if i can just get one of them to eat it i know they will
both eat it any advice? also i have noticed  that about 5 days after i got the
girl her and the boy started regurgitating to each other (usually the boy will
do this but sometimes she will too)  at that time she woudnt eat off my hand
so maybe he was feeding her so she wouldn't starve? i have another thought
too about this  since the boy IS 1 year older  and she is just sooo young he
might be acting as a daddy to her? she follows him alot if he goes to get a
drink she will if he eats she will if he shuffles over just the tiny bit she will too
haha its sooo cute! also and last maybe its none of these and they are in love?
i havent put any kind of box yet as i know she should be a year....its just
strange tho cuz he has been with 1 other girl who passed away she was much
older and he thought of her as a friend and the same with the girl   was it
meant to be? What do You think????? any advice would be WONDERFUL!!!!!!

With the pellet situation, try mixing it about 4-1 seed-pellets in their food dish.  Then see if they eat it.  If they do, mix it more like 3-1, then 2-1, then just pellets.

Feeding each other is pretty common with breeding behavior.  During nesting, the male feeds the female like this.  He's trying to prove to her that he would be a good daddy.  

I wouldn't let them breed just yet.  The female is too young.  If they breed too young, you can end up with problems like egg binding which can potentially kill her, or she just might not know how to care for the babies.  It's kind of like how humans can have babies when they're like 13, but that doesn't mean they're mature enough.  I would wait until she's at least a year.