Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > two budgies

two budgies

23 9:52:53


I have recently bought a budgie which is only a baby. I have another budgie who is 2,3 years old. I put them in the same cage but the older one pecks at the younger ones beak, head and neck so I put them in seperate cages. Is the pecking a way of meeting or is it an agressive attack? So should I keep them in seperate cages or keep them in one? When the baby budgie gets older will they mate?


Hi, Natalie.

Is the pecking of the younger bird malicious?  If not, the older bird knows the other bird is a baby, so the older bird is most likely "caring" for the baby by preening it or otherwise taking the baby "under its wings" so to speak.  If the older bird was being too aggressive, I believe it would have most likely injured the baby bird.  However, you'll need to be the judge of aggressiveness since you are there and I can't see what's going on.  As long as the baby isn't being hurt, I'd say things are most likely normal.  But again, you'll need to judge any degree of aggressiveness since I can't see what's going on.  I don't know if they will mate or not when the baby gets older....depends on their sexes and if they pair-bond or not.
