Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > when will my budgie hatch its eggs???

when will my budgie hatch its eggs???

23 9:51:48

its been eight months since i've started having these birds at home.. out of four birds,two are male and two females.. one pair mated and the female laid 3 eggs in two days gap... these eggs were broken by the other pair..after few days the male mating bird died..but still the female laid 3 eggs again.. i seperated the other pair from the cage as they might break it again.. now the female bird is alone in the cage..its always sitting on the eggs..its more than twenty five days.. still the eggs haven't hatched.. will it hatch??? or??? please reply me soon...

Hello Nyathi,

I'm sorry to hear about your bird dying. If he died before he had a chance to mate with the female again then the eggs will not be fertile, so they will not hatch. Once a budgie mates, she will lay the eggs 7-10 days after. She will then sit on the eggs for 18 days. The eggs will hatch then. Your eggs are unfertile. 25 days, the eggs would have hatched by now. Laying eggs is hard and stressful on a female. She will abandon these eggs once she knows and is satisfied the eggs won't hatch. Once she starts to leave the eggs alone you need to remove the nest box so she won't lay any more unfertile eggs. Get her some cuttlebone to help her replace the calcium she lost by laying the eggs. I would keep her in the cage by herself until she recovers from egg laying. The females normally aren't to strong and can't defend themselves for a little while. Once she seems strong and is more active you can return her to the other birds. But if i were you i would get another male for her because females will fight to the death over a male bird. Just make sure you introduce the male properly to the rest of your flock.

Hope this helps!
Thank you for the question!

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