Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > babies?


23 9:50:51

O.K. I'm not sure if you can answer this or not, but, here goes. Our female parakeet has been spending 95% of her time in the nesting box, and she only comes out to eat, groom, and take care of her business. She is spending more time in the nesting box then she did the first time when she had laid eggs. My mom is pretty sure that she has eggs in there, not sure if they are fertile, but when we checked the last time she  did not take care of her eggs. So as precaution we are not looking. O.K. so this all leads up to the question, if there are babies in there, when would they first make noise?

Hi, Aly
Normally, the female rarely leaves the nest while she's watching over her eggs.  The male will usually bring her food.  If she's spending that much time in the nest, there are probably eggs in there.  Budgie eggs hatch about 18 days after the female starts incubating.  After this you might hear noises, but if they're quiet you might not.

I hope this helps!