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Budgie illness-odd behavior

23 9:53:48

Our male budgie, about 4 yrs. old, seemed to have what appeared to be a seizure today. He suddenly fell to the floor of his cage and flopped around. At first we thought he's leg was caught on something because he seemed to not be able to move that side of his body. I gently picked him up and held him for a few minutes. He didn't try to bite me, nor did he try to get free. He just quietly make a low cheeping sound. After a few minutes, my son, his owner, picked him up and let him sit on his shoulder. We watched him for a while, then he seemed to go back to being himself again. He groomed himself quite a bit after that. I don't know if that means anything or not, but I thought all information would help. Thanks. I really appreciate it.

Hello Kathleen,

I apologize for the slow response, my computer wasn't working for a while. You need to have this bird evaluated by an avian veterinarian ASAP.  When a bird has seizures, it means there is some type of health problem.  Don't go to a dog/cat vet...find an avian vet for the best care for your bird.
