Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > budgies foot

budgies foot

23 9:52:09

my friend grabbed my bird by its foot when it was on his finger. Now its not facing the right way when she grabs a
branch could its foot be broken?  she doesn't act like she is in pain but i don't know.

Hi, Curtis,

Yes, it could most definitely be broken.  Normally when there's a break, anything from the break down will just dangle/hang, the bird will not be able to control that part of its body at all.  Birds don't always cry out when hurt/injured.  To do so would be a signal to a predator to "come get me...I'm injured...I'm an easy target for dinner."  

You need to get your budgie to a certified avian vet ASAP for an evaluation/treatment.
