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another egg

23 9:52:58

I have 2 pairs of budgies and each have a nest box. They both laid eggs and now most of the chicks except for 2 in one box and 1 in the other have left the nest. However, now one pair has mated again. I found a new egg inside the box. Should I just remove the egg? There is still one chick left, but I think its about ready to come out completely. The one chick has ventured out a couple of times but keeps wanting to go back in the nest box(it has full feathers and can fly). Should I force the bird out and remove the egg? I really want to remove the nest box and end this breeding cycle they are in. In the other nest box the two still inside seem just about ready to come out as well. Should I force them all out? My birds are relentless maters.
Thanks for any advice.

Hi, Amy.

Most budgies/keets are very prolific breeders when they get started.  If these babies can fly and are coming out of the nesting box most of the time, it would be OK to force them out and remove the nesting boxes.  They will be a bit frightened at first, but as long as mom and dad are with them, they will be fine.  Place some perches down low in the cage so they can perch if they want to.  Babies are sometimes reluctant to perch at first so putting perches low in the cage helps.

In addition to removing the nesting boxes, limit their available light to 8-10 hours per day...this will help "fool" them into believing it's not breeding season!
