Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > scaly face mites

scaly face mites

23 9:53:10

QUESTION: never mind about the symptoms.  i am now a 100 percent sure that he has scaly mites.  the crust is definitely there and i want to help my bird out now.  so what can i do?  i heard there are sprays out there that are very effective.  where can i get this spray?
ANSWER: Hi again, Stanley.

If you bird has scaly face mites, you need to get prescription medication from a certified avian veterinarian.  I'm not aware of any sprays to help this condition.  Scaly face mites are mites that bury under a bird's skin.  The bird has to take a prescription medication, a drop or two by mouth, once or twice, in order to eliminate the parasites.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for answering....  i looked up scaly face mite and it all looks so serious...  way too serious compared to my bird.  he has this CRUST around its beak and it seems like its been there forever.  i know it has been at least 3-4 weeks since its been there...  i really don't know what to do with the bird.  hm....  how would you determine this by the info that there is a crust around its beak?

Hi again, Stanley.

Your bird might have something as simple as dried food crusting around its beak.  I see this often in cockatiels and budgies/keets.  Have you tried using some warm water and a wash cloth to try and remove this crusty material?
