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budgie with a cold?

23 9:50:36

Our parakeet has a slighjt wheeze and loose stools along with occasional sneezing. Are there any oral antibiotics (or other meds) for parakeets who have repeated upper respiratory congestion?  I have access to ophthalmic Tobramycin 0.3% and other ophthalmic drops.

While you may have access to Tobramycin and other drops, you really should check with a vet before giving your bird any kind of medication, plus they may be able to give you something better.  There is an ask the vet section on AllExperts too, so if you want to ask around there for a more professional opinion, go ahead.

Call your local avian vet, and try to get your bird seen.  It sounds like just a little cold to me, but it could be something more serious like pneumonia.

Best of luck!