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next step in budgie taming

23 9:51:17

hello! so i have had my budgie kiwi about two weeks now, and shes finally making noise and exploring her cage much more, she seems quite a lot more comfortable every day that passes. I put my hand in the cage several times every day, and i have started putting some of her favorite "treat" seed mixture in my palm when my hand is in the cage. she finally hopped on my hand to eat the other day, and now after my hand being in the cage about five minutes she will nibble on the seeds from the perch if my hand is close enough and sometimes even hop right up. she does not seem as afraid of my hand as she used to and rarely goes burserk flying around the cage. my question is do you think that she is ready for me to try having her step up on my finger? or should i continue having her eat from my palm for a while? if i do try the step up, do i just slowly push my finger up on her breast? or do i try and pet her tummy a bit first? how many times should i try to have her step up before i take a break and come back to it later? sorry about all of the questions i just don't want to rush anything or ruin what trust i have already worked so hard to gain from her. thanks so much for all your help! you've been such a great help for me already and i really appreciate it!  

Hello Steph,

You have gotten really far with your bird! Great News!
I think you should continue to put your hand in there every day. Once she is absolutely completely comfortable with you, you can try to get her to step up on your finger. So, maybe another week of you not touching her, but rather her coming to you. Then try to get her to step up on your finger by gently pressing on her chest. If she flips out, go back to the just putting your hand in with food. Then try it again the day after. Just continue this process until she steps up.

First- just hand in cage with treat
Second- try to get her to step up by pressing chest
   WORKS                     DOESN'T WORK
let her sit on your        go back to not touching her
hand and try to take       with just your hand a treat
her out of the cage        start process over

Hope this helps and makes sense!
Thank you for the question!
Any other questions or if you need more info feel free to ask and don't forget to rate the answer!
