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Introducing a budgie and cockateil

23 9:41:52

Hi there,
Im a vet nurse and have a female cockateil who is very fond of me even too fond!! she has recently started laying eggs. I have got a little baby budgie who is in a seperate cage next to her and I was just wondering if you have any tips for introduing the two. My cockateil is very friendly and outgoing and the budgie seems very intrested in her aswell.
Any tips would be awesome!!

Laura  :)

Hello Laura,

I have one cockatiel myself, actually it is my wife's. I also have roughly 30 budgies in a outdoor aviary and a few in the house for different reasons. One thing I would caution you about, Cockatiels are much larger than budgies and they tend to be far more agressive to "little" birds than of birds their own size. It is quite possible to get them to live together in peace, but it should be a slow and supervised transistion. One snip from the cockatiel and off comes a leg of the budgie. Just watch the two for any signs of aggression and never leave them alone until you are positive that the cockatiel will not injury or kill the budgie.