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Budgie taming lessons

23 9:45:37

Hi its me again! ok I have a baby budgie aprox. only 4 months old she is not
tame    i also have a 1 yr old male budgie who is not tame also.............How
can i tame both? they are currently in seperate cages next to eachother so
they can still bond but not get too this ok? i did this so i could
tame them easier.....they have clipped wings and i always leave their cage
doors open in case they want to visit........plz help u have any hints
for taming and hand training???? i fast them for only 6 hours and then feed
them so they eat off my hand. the male is almost completely comfortable
with this but the female is very hasty so i put in an extra food dish just to be
safe......plz help me in any way i want to get them tame so i can adopt my
unwanted friend's budgies .......i need anything on hand taiming, training,
playing, and anything else u can think of on this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! p.s.
they do not like playing with their toys (ladders,bells,balls, anything) but they
do like singing along with Taylor Swift haha so do u have any suggestions????
? thank you very much

I would start with taming the baby budgie.  The one year old will be a lot harder to tame, but if you tame the younger one first, you'll have experience, plus he may observe some of this training and pick up some things.  It's best to do this one-on-one so they don't get distracted.

1) You need to devote a lot of time to hand-taming.  About a half-hour a day is good.  Long enough to be productive, but not so long that both of you get tired and stressed.
2) Don't let them win.  That sounds pessimistic and harsh, but I know a lot of people who've gotten bit a few times and gave up.  If they bite, try wrapping your finger in a band-aid.  It usually doesn't hurt as much if you do this.
3) Put your hand in the cage for a few minutes.  Don't move toward them, just hold still for a while.  Keep talking to the bird and make him comfortable.  If they like Taylor Swift, sing Taylor Swift or (if like most of us you can't sing like that) play a CD.  Do this until they don't get nervous when you put your hand in.  This usually takes a couple of weeks.
4) This next step is one you don't want to rush.  Once they're used to your hand, very slowly move your hand closer.  If they get nervous or scared, move it back away. After a while, your bird will actually let you touch it with a finger.  When they're comfortable with this, gently stroke their bellies or feet.  They'll usually hop on.  If not, a little bribery with millet can help.

Some birds just don't like toys.  They have personalities just like we do.  And they sometimes aren't interested.  I'd leave them with a few things because they do get bored occasionally.  It's also possible that they're just not playing with them when you see them.  Sometimes if there are people around or some sort of distraction, they will ignore their toys because they're busy paying attention to something else.

Let me know if I missed something, feel free to ask me any questions you have!
Good luck!