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My Budgie is scared

23 9:45:38

Hello! My sister has scared our budgies and while I'm typing this my budgie aka Nokia is sitting on the mouse pad! And as soon I get close to here she starts shaking and sometimes run always. This makes me weary Sad because I don't like her being scared so is there anyway I can "unscarred" her! please help me! My sister does things like yelling loud and fight with here
PS Sometimes she bites me! Because of here!

Try talking to her and try to pet her so that she can relax.  If she's scared, she will get over it quickly once she feels secure again and feels safe.

Let your sister know what she needs to be nicer around the bird.  They frighten easily by nature.  Tell her that if she is going to yell and fight, do not do it around the bird.