Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > parakeet seed balled up in cage

parakeet seed balled up in cage

23 9:51:50

My parakeet has seeds balled up in the bottom of his cage.  It looks like the inner seed all stuck together in a ball.  What could this be?

Hello Tracy,

Are you sure it is seed? Sometimes seed could get stuck to the droppings and over time can cause a build up. How big are the seed balls? Clean out his cage and watch to see if you can detect how these things are formed. The most logical reason for this is the droppings. The seeds are probably just getting stuck to it. As long as your bird is healthy and these things are not causing him any trouble, then you don't need to worry. I would just try to find out where they are coming from.

Hope this helped!
Thanks for the question!

(any other questions feel free to ask)
