Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > how do i know when my budgies are ready to breed?

how do i know when my budgies are ready to breed?

23 9:41:29

I have three budgies in my cage and two of them are mates i belive. they bob their heads in a funny way to each other and make those love noises.but my female has a pink cere and its eyes have very light irises and the male has a very dark blue cere with a white iris. they love each other and i know they are scared of me so whenever i go near them the both hurry into their nest box.they stay in it for long and make their love noises inside.please tell me if they need anything else than seeds and water.i would love them to breed.especially because of the cute small babies.i make sure that the other male which doesnt have a mate does not go inside the nest box.are they in the age ready to afraid if the female will get health problems if they mate.beacause i feel its too small to mate right now.

Hello Megha,

You know your birds better than anyone, just use your best judgement. As for health problems, it is a real possibility anytime you breed animals that they will have complications. I would suggest that you begin to read as many books as possible on breeding and rearing/handfeeding baby birds as it is quite possible the mother bird either becomes sick or rejects the babies altogether.

Best of luck, feel free to ask any questions you may have along the way!