Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My eggs are disappearing!!

My eggs are disappearing!!

23 9:50:43

QUESTION: Hi, my parakeets mated and the female had two eggs in the box. After checking two days later 1 went missing, and then the next day the second one was gone. To me it looked like the female was spending her whole day incubating, but the male kept trying to get in and I think he ate the eggs since there are yolk stains on the nest box. Two more days later she laid another egg and now she is incubating it. The male keeps trying to get in and does sometimes. I'm afraid this egg will also be eaten. What should I do?

ANSWER: Hi Mustafa!

It is a hirer possibility of the female breaking the egg and eating them for calcium. I would check the eggs as often as possible without disturbing the female. If it is the male, then you will want to remove him from the cage, and provide food close to the nesting box. If it is the female, then provide calcium suploments. Also, be sure to check if the female isn't just throwing the eggs out of the nesting box.

Hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The female is definetly not throwing out the eggs. I am providing her with many calcium supplements. What happens is that she lays an egg then he barges into the box and starts pecking her. Then she leaves and when I check the box the egg is gone. I don't think it is the female since when I look at her she is always devotedly incubating her eggs until he disturbs her. Should I let this go on since she only has 1 egg right now, and I don't think that's a batch or should I take the egg and incubate it myself (I can)?

Hi Mustafa!

If it is not the female, then remove the male from the cage. You can incubate the eggs yourself, but then you'd have to hand-feed the chicks. This takes a lot of time, and you would have to be home 24 hours a day to take care of the chicks. Even if you do hand-feed the baby, there is a greater chance that the baby won't make it. Artificial hand-feeding formula's can not duplicate nature. I have had success with hand-feeding chicks, but usually only two survive in a clutch of six. If you are interested in hand-feeding, then ask a follow-up question.

Hope this helps!