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Parakeet eggs

23 9:50:04

My female parakeet just layed two eggs, she doesn't sit on them all the time. What is they get cold, will they still hatch? What do I need to do to help keep them warm, because she just has them laying on the bottom of the box.

Hi Chelsea!

There's not much you can do. By the sounds of it, this is your parakeet's first time breeding. It's normal that the first one or two clutches don't hatch. Also, some parakeets don't sit on the eggs until there are two or three of them. But if she sits on the eggs for a while and then stops sitting on them then it's very likely they won't hatch. It is possible to incubate them, but then you'd have to hand-feed them, and with you a first-time breeder, I recommend you don't. It's a 24 hour a day process and takes a lot of time, not to mention the survival rate isn't that good, maybe one to two in a clutch of 6. You really can't do anything except let nature take its course.

Hope this helps!