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:( I need help with my Budgies.

23 9:41:45

I have had my 2 budgies for about 3-4 weeks now. I want so badly for them to be hand trained! But they seem to be scared of me. I can sometime have my hand in the cage without them freaking out, but that is only if i am changing their water.. other that that, they freak out.:( I find it incredibly frustrating that they aren't hand trained yet and that they freak out. Is it because they still don't trust me? Do you have any tips on how to get them to both trust me, and get them hand trained?
Thank you. :)

Hello sam,

Trust is absolutely key to hand training. This topic is so widely covered and so many techniques are used I could literally write a book about it. What I would have to offer from my own experience, you are at a huge disadvantage by having 2 birds together. They are bonding with each other and not you. Also I have personally never had any luck hand taming birds unless they were hand fed from a very ealy age. Therwise it takes months and months of patience that I do not have. Best of luck, do some research and find a technique that works for you!