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Help with taming

23 9:50:05

QUESTION: Hi, I hope you can offer some advice. I bought a budgie from the petstore back in March. I named him Oscar. He was so pitiful and wouldn't eat, and would sit in the bottom corner of the cage as far as he could away from me, hunched over. It got to the point that I was worried he might die because he wouldn't eat or drink. The cage cover helped but I felt I had to do something. So I bought him a buddy. I think she's a female, we didn't intend it to be that way. That's just the one the gal caught in the big bin. We named her Pearl. Once we did that, Oscar came around and they both get a long great. Only problem is, they're completely wild. I don't think I'll ever be able to tame them. I've tried to let them out. There's no getting Oscar back in the cage without a struggle. I'm afraid he'll get out of the house because he won't come to me. I assume he'd go back to his cage when he gets hungry but I have yet to see that happen. My husband gets the job of rounding him up and it's not easy. Oscar bites something fierce. I've read that you're not supposed to pull your hand away because it teaches them that if they bite, you'll leave them alone. But his biting hasn't gotten any better. When I get close to the cage, they both sort of freeze up or go to the furthest perch from me. Or Oscar goes nuts, squawking and shrieking. I always go super slow and I talk softly or sing to them which they seem to like. But I don't think I'll ever be able to tame these guys. I'm quite upset about that. I can't even get them to eat anything else besides seeds and cuddle bone. I can only assume they never got anything else so they don't know what to do with it? Sometimes they'll even take the fruit or veggie out of the cup and throw it on the bottom of the cage. I really like these guys but if I had known the difference between hand fed/bred and store bought, I would've contacted a breeder instead. Do you think there's any chance of taming these two? I can't even seem to get near them to even try. I've done everything that I could think of, and spent quite a bit of money doing so. Hoping they would come around over time. I didn't expect an overnight transformation but 7 months and they're still as wild as the day I bought them. I also fear that since I bought a second one, that might make it even harder to train/tame them since they're certainly not interested in me. I've even considered seeing if the petshop would take them back. Not for a profit of course, but just to take them off of my hands. But I am attached to them. I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Ginny!

I realize this must be a tough situation for you to be in. You have to take your time and go slowly with your parakeets. Take 15 minutes in the evening and bring a chair by your birds' cage. Sit there and quietly, soothingly, talk to them. When they have calmed down and seem to be listening you can try putting your hand in their cage. Most likely they will squawk and flutter around, but don't remove your hand. Just place your hand inside the cage and hold your hand still. Do this every day for a while until they are used to you being around them. One day after they are completely calm, slowly bring your hand up onto the perch beside them. If they begin edging away stop moving. Once they have settled down, move your hand up some more and so on and so forth until your hand is resting on the perch. Do this every day for a week or two. Your birds will be interested in your hand, and may even perch on you. After they have gotten used to your hand near them you can try to stroke them on their backs or on their heads. They may freak out, but just wait for them to calm down. After they have gotten used to your presence near them and touching them put one finger right above their feet and gently push up. The budgies should step on and eventually let you take them out of the cage. For now, you should clip both your birds' wings in case they do get out of the cage. I believe it is possible to tame these birds with time and patience. As for their food problem. In the evening, around 5 PM, take out all seed and give them only fruits and veggies until around 10 PM. Budgies munch on their seed all day long, and most likely will get hungry during this time. It shouldn't hurt your birds if they don't have seed for 5 hours. This should work.

Hope this helps!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow, thank you so much! You really know your stuff. I have renewed hope now that I can tame these two. I do have one more question for you.  What do you think is a good fruit/veggie etc. to start with during those evening hours? I have tried tying plain cheerios on yarn and hanging it in the cage. It took them 3 days to get near it and then they devoured it. (not the yarn of course) Thanks again for your great tips. I can't wait to try every one of them. Just a side note, I didn't want to give them up just because I couldn't tame them and certainly did not want to put them back in a pet shop. But I've been so frustrated with the whole thing. I did believe there was hope because they really listen when I sing to them. Song they like best is "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer too." I think my husband thinks I'm crazy when I sing to them. HaHaHa.

Hi Ginny!

My budgies like fresh, boiled corn on the cob. They go crazy over it, and even after it's been in there a day they still enjoy nibbling on it. I think they like it more when it starts to dry out. Try celery leaves, apples, spinach, cilantro, and parsley. My birds like me best. I wish you luck with your budgies, keep me updated on how things work out!

Hope this helps!