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my budgie is soooo illlll :(

23 9:44:31

hi,i just bought a pair of budgies recently but they seem very quiet and sleeping all day long but they are eating properly i think.may be this is beacause of the cold weather and i m covering them up and hoping it's going to be better.but my female budgie has a thick accumulation of poop on her anal area.i came to know this is an illness but i can not take them to a VET so please tell me how to cure them.i m very very tensed.and my female budgie's cere is very light she very young to breed?

First, your budgie may die if you dont get it to the vet. Try and remove the accumulation of poop with a damp napkin or cloth. Dont pull hard, it will hurt her, just wet it until it comes loose and is ready to fall off, take it off.
If the accumulation comes back, theres probably something wrong with her, either internally or externatlly. You must take her to a vet to fix this, or she WILL die. So its your choice, take her to the vet, or let her die.
A light blue cere indicates a you parakeet, meaning it could be a female, or it could be a male. Unless the females cere is brown, and the males dark blue, they are NOT ready to breed. They must be over a year in age, or the young female will die from egg binding or other premature fertilisation issues.

If they are sleeping they could just be being themselves, each have there own personalities, or it could be illness, either way I cant see them, so I dont know if they are sick. Take them to the vet please, there lives are in your hands.

Hope I helped!