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budgie acting different losing feathers

23 9:52:41

hi, my budgie usually loves being outside her cage, and will not leave me alone, hates it if i even leave the room.  but lately she has been in bad sorts, not wanting to leave cage, not flying well, losing feathers, but still eating.  she "barks" at me if i even go near her.  she was like this in june but i believe she was molting then as she had those thick pin feathers but doesnt now and she came out of it then and was back to normal self...could she be molting again?? or is she ill?  thanks.

Hi, Kim,

Yes, she could be molting again.  Some birds molt all the time and some birds just molt once or twice per year.  Has to do with the environment they are in and the type of bird.  Perhaps she's molting, but you can't see the pin feathers yet.  

Molting could be the problem or the bird might be thinking of laying an egg.  When usually tame birds start acting aggressively, sometimes this is an indication that egg laying might start.  Watch for signs of nesting.

She could also be ill.  Is she showing any other signs of being ill (droppings abnormal, losing weight, fluffy up feathers when not sleeping, etc.)?

It could also be diet related.  If your bird is on an all-seed diet, this is a very poor diet.  Could also be lack of bathing (does your bird bathe at all) or improper lighting, not enough sleep time (they need about 12 hours per night).

Could be a number of things as you can see.  You know your bird better than anyone else does.  If you think she might be ill, don't hesitate to contact a certified avian vet.
