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Budgie hen with too many eggs.

23 9:53:08

I have two hens that are nesting. One clutch has 8 and the other 4. In the clutch of 8, 2 have now hatched and in the one of 4, 2 chicks have hatched. So, they are both kind of on the same schedule. But, my concern is that if all 8 from the first clutch hatch will the hen be able to feed and care for all of them. So my question is should I move a couple of the eggs that have yet to hatch from, clutch A to the other hen's nest who has fewer eggs, clutch B. Are you following me here? I just want to give all chicks the best chances for survival. What do you think I should do?

Hi, Amy.

Yes, I'm following you!  Yes, you can VERY CAREFULLY move 1-2 eggs from the clutch of 8 to the smaller clutch.  A normal budgie clutch size is about 6 eggs.  

In order to prepare for this situation again in the future, if you plan on allowing your budgies to continue to breed, is for you to learn how to handfeed baby budgies.  It's possible your birds could lay 6-8 eggs per clutch, and you need to be prepared to assist the females in caring for any babies by learning how to handfeed.  Handfeeding babies also results in the babies being tame enough to handle because they imprint on humans.

Although a female is able to care for a full clutch of 6 babies, it takes a lot out of the adult pair.  Often times, younger babies don't get proper nutrition and it's necessary for the human owner to step in and assist by handfeeding younger offspring.
