Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > pregnant?


23 9:44:44

hi, i have to female budgies one that is around 5 years the other has just turned one. It took at least a year for my eldest budgie to turn into a girl. We bought her as a 'boy'. So we are not sure whether Zoe, our youngest is a boy or a girl. Lately her and Elmo have been what we think is mating. They are always very affectionate with each other, but one morning they started to what we think was mate. How long does it take to find out whether a budgie is holding an egg. Thankyou.

Hello Rita! No one is sure how long it takes for a Budgie to develope and egg inside her and lay it. The easiest way to tell whether or not she is holding an egg is to monitor just around her anus area. If it becomes fat and balloon looking, she is holding an egg. If it is still flat she is probably not carrying an egg.

Hope I helped! Thanks Rita.