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budgies eggs

23 9:45:42

I can't get our budgies eggs to hatch our 2 budgies are really good friends but they just won't mate we have found that a lot of the answers and questions on here helpful but we just can't work out what is wrong also when is their breeding season over because she has been breeding from about early June to now and she is still going

Budgies have two breeding seasons basically.  One in Spring, one in Fall.  They prefer milder weather.  You can artificially create these conditions by making the area have lots of light, be relatively warm, and humid.  If you do this, you can breed them almost any time.

Do you have nest boxes?  You should have at least two per pair.  Wooden ones are best, and some budgies will only use these.  

Try putting wood shavings or bedding in and around the nest box.  They will instinctively clean it.  They're by nature tidy animals.  This cleaning of the nest are helps trigger the instinct to mate and produce eggs.

One kind of strange way of making them mate is by showing them.  I've heard that if you show budgies online videos of other budgies mating, and they hear the calls that are common with mating, they think that it is mating time.  I know it sounds strange, showing your birds birdy-porn, but it does work sometimes when nothing else will!