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Budgie dandruff

23 9:51:06

I have two budgies. About a month ago I noticed that one of them started to clen her plumage more often, and then I saw whitisch flakes of dry skin everywhere around the cage. I thought somehow it was related to moulting or pieces of cuttle fish bone. I removed the bone from the cage for a couple days, but the condition didn't change. Now both birds are itching, flakes are everywhere, and it's clear to me that it is not related to moulting. One of the birds (about 6 months before we bought the second one) had mites on her legs, but after antibiotic treatment everything was ok.
Please help!

Thank you,


Hello Roksana,

Are you sure this is not something related to molting? It could very well be the birds are still molting. Or, their diet could be the issue. Budgies need a varied diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. The diet plays an important role in their feather condition and many other things. Budgies especially love parsley and apples. You should offer them mineral blocks and put the cuttle bone back in their cage. But if this continues to go on i would consult an avian vet. The birds may need some treatment for their feathers. But you should be offering them fruits and vegetables if you are not already.

Hope this helps!
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