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2 budgies, best friends, one died

23 9:51:12

I have had 2 budgies for approx. 6 years.  One died yesterday right after surgery to remove a tumour.  I am heartbroken but I am more worried about the remaining bird.  Do you know anything about budgie "mourning"?  I am trying to pay extra attention to Sarah but she's been calling her mate all night and all morning.  It's so sad!!
Thanks for any info you can offer.  I've looked all over the net but all the questions I've seen are "should I get another bird" which is not where we're at.... yet.  I just want to know how to best help my sweet baby get over her loss.  Thanks!

Hello Wendy,

Since she at the moment does not have a friend, this means you need to be her friend until she gets over the loss and until you can get her a new friend. You should be taking her out of the cage and talking to her and whistling to her. Try to make her forget and make her want to be your friend. You don't necessarily have to take her out of the cage. You could just sit in front of her cage and talk and whistle quietly to her. Really the best thing would be to get her a new friend eventually. This would be the ultimate problem solver. But, for now try to be her friend. Play music for her and maybe leave the TV or radio on for her while you are gone, so she thinks there is some one with her.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss!
Thank you for the question!
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Echo Starr