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breeding and determining sex

23 9:52:47

I have an albino budgie, which appears by its behaviour to be a boy, (i.e. he chases the girls around, and stands outside the breeding box and chases other boys away) but I have heard that albinos are generally girls. Is this true?  Also I have a girl and boy budgie who have paired up, and are both constantly in and out of the breeding box. He Keeps other birds away from her and sits at the entrance of the box and feeds her, but after 2 months no eggs have appeared. Is it the wrong time of the year for breeding, (mid Winter),  or could there be some other reason why she is not laying eggs ?

Hi, Mackenzie,

No, not true.  Albino budgies can be male or female and they can be very difficult to sex visually.  I believe your breeding problems are the result of all the birds being housed in a single cage together.  I recommend you separate into individual breeding cages the birds that are pair-bonded.  Doing this will also alleviate any problems once eggs are laid and babies arrive.  The problem with housing multiple breeding birds in one cage/aviary is that jealously arises which can result in fighting and possibly females injuring/killing other females, not to mention other females raiding the nesting boxes of other birds breaking open eggs and/or injuring/killing babies.  All will be better off if you breed individual pairs in their own separate breeding cages.  This is likely why the one pair hasn't laid yet...they fear for the safety of their eggs/babies with the other birds about.
