Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > One of my budgies is ill

One of my budgies is ill

23 9:41:40

Hi Cristopher, I hope you can help me, my budgie is about 9 years old, he
Started wheezing about a month ago, we just put it down to his age but
he now is worse, he hangs upside down most of the time, when he does
this he breathes better but when he goes for his food and drink he starts
wheezing again. He still likes to play with his toys and with our other
budgie who is the same age but fine. Lots of friends have said that he will
just go to the bottom of the cage when he's ready to "leave" but I don't
know wether he is suffering or not. I think if I take him to the vets, they will
put him down, I put some mite spray on him but it didn't seem to help at
all, he doesn't like being handled that much and if I took him to the vets I
think it would only upset him even more. Any response would be really
appreciated, thanks again.

Hello Paul,

9 Years is very close to the age of expiration for budgies that have been well cared for. I can only recommend carrying him to the vet for a proper diagnosis, however you know your bird better than anyone else and if keeping him comfortable is your main concern you could put a heat pad under half of the cage, offer some good treats, etc. Best of luck, sorry to hear about your birds illness! You sound like a genuine and caring person to your bird.