Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My Sick BUDGIE!!! HELP!!!

My Sick BUDGIE!!! HELP!!!

23 9:52:55

Hello, a few days ago I was feeding my aviary budgies, when I noticed that one of them was all puffed up and rapidly breathing. She has a bulge near her bottom area and seems to be getting skinnier! I put her partner in with her in case she wasn't eating (so he could feed her). PLEASE HELP ME! SHE'S MY FAVOURITE BUDGIE!!!!

Hi, Minnie.

You need to get at least this bird to a certified avian veterinarian immediately.  This bird may be egg bound, which is a medical emergency for a bird.  If this bird is egg bound, she will die if you don't seek avian medical care immediately.  Not tomorrow, TODAY.  Go to an emergency pet clinic if you can't get in touch with any bird vets.  Even if this bird isn't egg bound, she's sick and needs avian veterinarian care right away.  The rapid breathing and the bulge you describe makes me think this bird is egg bound.
