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What should I do?

23 9:50:41

My female laid two eggs like I told you but the the couple ate the two eggs. She laid another one and I am not sure if this one was eaten. Should I just leave them alone and let them do what they want or should I incubate the eggs myself when they are laid?

Budgies sometimes eat eggs for extra nutrition.  If they don't have enough calcium especially.  Get a cuttlebone, and place it in the cage.  You should also give them fruits and veggies.  If all their needs are met, they are less likely to eat them.

Do not try incubating them just yet.  Its a big commitment.  Once they hatch, they will need fed every 1-2 hours 24/7 for the first few weeks.  Let them do what they will for a while, and see how it goes.