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Is this normal or serious?

23 9:50:28

Hi, my pair of parakeets are breeding and have a clutch. I noticed that when the female comes out of the box she has a bare spot a little below her breast. It started out subtle but  now its more noticeable. She is about a year and a half. Someone else told me that she bites those feathers out of boredom or in need of nutrition but I'm still not sure. So is this normal or should I get her checked up? Thanks!

This is pretty normal.  When they lay eggs, they lose a lot of nutrients in the eggs.  So yes, they will often eat the feathers for nutrition.  I  have heard of them plucking out of boredom, but because she is busy taking care of her eggs, I think lack of nutrition is the most likely cause.   Just make sure that she has plenty of food that is good for her:

*Hardboiled or scrambled eggs- these have a lot of protein in them, and you should mix the shells in so they can eat them for calcium; just hang it somewhere in her cage
*Fruits and veggies- most budgies like carrots and apples, cut up into little pieces and served at room temperature.  Don't mix this in with the seed, otherwise the seed becomes too wet, and rots
*Cuttlebones- you can buy these very cheap at pet stores.  They will give her calcium
*Seed- at some pet stores, they sell food with extra nutrients in it designed for breeding budgies.  Its a bit expensive, but it is good for them

The feathers will grow back soon, especially if she gets better nutrition.  Try some of these remedies, and you may want to look into getting her some vitamins from a vet if it does not improve.  

Best of luck,