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Baby budgie help

23 9:51:52

We have successfully rehoused our indoor budgies in an outdoor aviary. They are so at home that they are breeding and I am now concerned that the babies will fall to the floor when they start to venture out of the nest boxes. Should there be a safe shelf area around the nest boxes that they can't fall from until they are able to fly? Will the parents feed a youngster on the floor until it is found and put back?

Hello Vicky,

I have never bred my birds in an aviary, but I would think putting something under them is a great idea. When baby budgies first come out of the box, they are unstable and not yet good at flying. If one of the babies fell it could die from impact or be hurt and suffer on the ground. The parents might go down to feed them but another one of your budgies could go down also and try to hurt the fallen bird. I would definitely put some sort of shelf under the nest box.

I am assuming you do know what you are getting yourself into. Breeding requires alot of work. Be sure you have read up on how to breed and you know what to do if something goes wrong.

These are some good websites to go to.

Hope this helps!
