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Pet Budgie

23 9:54:37

I have decided to get a friend for a parakeet I have had for three weeks. She is fairly hand tame, will get up on my finger without hesitation but won't accept food from my hand yet.

The friend I want to get is a hand raised parakeet very tame.

My question is, will having 2 parakeets cause the hand raised one to become less tame or will the hand raised bird help the other to become more tame (and willing to try new foods)?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you.  

Hello Seth! If you take time introducing the second parakeet, you will soon have a pair of birds that trust you and enjoy contact with you but dont expect you to spend too much time with them because they keep busy with eachother. House the new bird in a different room from the one your first parakeet is in. Hold the parakeet loosly  in your hands and talk softly to it. After two or three days, set the bird on the floor where the older keet can see it and watch what happens. Often an established bird will respond aggressively to a fellow keet out of jealousy. Your first keet will not loose your trust if you keep on handling them. Its so important not to miss a single day without handling the birds. If the new one sees an older bird being held and groomed by you its fear of you will be settled a little bit. Also when another keet sees one of its own eating something tasty they are more likley to try it to. parsley is a good starter treat. just keep up your good work!