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parakeet going crazy

23 9:44:53

My parakeet is about a year old now and she has been acting crazy. She seems more aggressive and brave. When I come home, she immediately flies onto us and wont leave. She seems like she wants to attach to us all of the time. She lives alone and her wings are not clipped. This morning she was sitting in her seed bowl and digging around. Why is she acting this way?

This sort of behavior is usually due to boredom.  Bored budgies will find any means possible of amusing themselves.  This happens more frequently in budgies who live alone.  I once had a budgie go through one of these bored/crazy phases, and she shredded an entire roll of bathroom tissue, pushed it into a pile, and then buried herself in it then screamed until I picked her up.  It was absolutely adorable, but concerning.

You may want to get her some new toys, or move things around in her cage so that she has new things to explore.  They're very intelligent animals and love to play and explore new things.  If they get used to the same thing for too long, they get bored.  You may also want to try getting her a friend so that she doesn't get lonely.  She has you of course, but they also like having the company of other birds.

This phase will probably end just as abruptly as it began.  There's nothing wrong with your bird, she's just a little bored.