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breeding my budgies

23 9:51:02

hi i'm mike.

I have two pairs of budgies and two nest boxes attached to the cage and want to start breeding. and they won't breed is their anything else i need to know that i can use to help them???

Just letting you know, I'm not an expert on breeding budgies, my expertise on this topic comes from my experience with breeding finches, and the internet.

There's nothing you can do to 'make' them breed, but you can try to stimulate breeding behavior.  Try putting small animal bedding in the box; the birds will instinctively clean it out (budgies are neat freaks), and this can stimulate breeding by making them think they're preparing a nest.

Have they already built a nest in the box?  Do they have a box?  If not, take little pieces of the lint from the trap in your dryer, and put it on the bottom of the cage.  They might use it for the nest.  In the wild, they'll just use crevices wherever they find it, and aren't so picky about nesting.  They might not want it, but that way its there, just in case.  I love to use dryer lint because its practically free, soft, and a wonderful insulator.

Here's a great forum, you can find someone who knows more about this than me there, I'm sure : )