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23 9:45:33

i have 1m and 1fem budge since 3 years they just gave eggs once and the fem broke those . now the fem is old and cant reproduce and they male is still young. they both love each other and are happy . i wna ask that to increase there production may i add one more fem budge with them
will they fight or what will be rite .
and is it necessary to fix the budge cage at specific place.
there cage is 2 /2 feet
how can i train the new budge if its mature not a child

You can try adding in a female.  The male should be happy with a new female, but 2 females will sometimes fight.

The cage should be somewhere warm, but out of direct sunlight.  If you put it somewhere warmer and with a little more light, they may think that it is Spring and they will maybe start to breed.

Mature budgies are very hard to train, but you may be able to find one that is already trained.  You want to find one that is over a year old.  Females need to be at least a year old before they start having babies.