Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My clipped parakeet Ethel

My clipped parakeet Ethel

23 9:50:49

HI Jennifer, I have 2 birds.  One just started to fly and is doing really well.  The second had her wings clipped very short when I bought her so it is taking much longer for them to grow in.  The question is;  When she tries to fly off of my shoulder or away from the cage she falls strait down on her belly.  Will she get hurt by this or is this normal to birds as they learn to fly?  She seems to be depressed cuz #1 is flying and she isn't.  Am I thinking too much?  These are my first birds. Thank you.  Susan

Dear Susan,
thank you for your question.
I think it's better if you don't let Ethel out of the cage until she can at least flutter to the floor instead of just falling. She might hurt herself that way, for example breaking a leg. As soon as the feathers are long enough, she should be able to fly well enough to reach the cage on her own. Most budgies learn very fast to fly, she will probably practice by fluttering inside the cage while holding on to a perch.
It doesn't take that long for the feathers to regrow, so it's better to keep her partner in the cage with her so that she doesn't get too depressed.
I hope I was of some help to you